"I'm what the world considers to be a phenomenally successful man. And I've failed much more than I've succeeded. And each time I fail, I get my people together, and I say, "Where are we going?" And it starts to get better." - Calvin Trager
Friday, February 13, 2004 Movies I want to see during my sabbatical:
Do the Right Thing
Sophie’s Choice
Coming Home
Annie Hall
Dog Day Afternoon
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?
Blazing Saddles
His Girl Friday
Harold and Maude
Lost in America
The French Connection
The Godfather
The Manchurian Candidate
High Noon
Blade Runner
12 Angry Men
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"Christ's example is being
demeaned by the church if they ignore the new leprosy,
which is AIDS. The church is the sleeping giant here.
If it wakes up to what's really going on in the rest
of the world, it has a real role to play. If it doesn't,
it will be irrelevant."
- Bono