"I'm what the world considers to be a phenomenally successful man. And I've failed much more than I've succeeded. And each time I fail, I get my people together, and I say, "Where are we going?" And it starts to get better." - Calvin Trager
Tuesday, January 23, 2007 Hillary? Obama? Wanna bet?
If you do, you'll get a better return on Barack (6-1) than Hillary (even money)according to a live betting line posted on sportsbook.com. John McCain, the ultra-conservative in moderate maverick's clothing the top GOP candidate at 3-1 (same as surprise ... at least to me ... Dem runner up Al Gore).
Here are how's everyone posting at 50-1 or greater odds stack up (includes some who have not - and may never -- declare)
Hillary Clinton 1-1 Al Gore 3-1 John McCain 3-1 Barack Obama 6-1 John Edwards 8-1 George Allen Jr 10-1 Rudy Giuliani 10-1 Sam Brownback 10-1 Bill Richardson 12-1 Mark Warner 15-1 Mitt Romney 10-1 Wesley Clark 20-1 Mike Huckabee 20-1 Evan Bayh 20-1 Chuck Hagel 22-1 Colin Powell 25-1 Joe Biden 30-1 Condoleezza Rice 30-1 Newt Gingrich 40-1 Tom Vilsack 40-1 Russ Feingold 40-1 Rick Santorum 50-1 Tom Tancredo 50-1 Mike Gravel 50-1 Tom Ridge 50-1 Tom Daschle 50-1 Bill Owens 50-1 Bob Kerrey 50-1 John Kerry 50-1 George Pataki 50-1 Chris Dodd 50-1
Then it really gets fun. Check out some of these others:
Dick Gephardt 75-1 (what would a Democratic primary be without Dick Gephardt?)
Dick Cheney 75-1 (I would say good for entertainment value, except I've already been proven that "he can't possibly win" are words you sometimes have to eat)
Howard Dean 75-1 (Funny thing is, if you tune out "the scream" and just read the stuff he wrote and said -- particularly about Iraq and the ill-named "war on terror" -- he was, well, how do you say it ... right!)
Alberto Gonzales 75-1 (Preserve and defend what? I don't think I'm familiar with that document.)
Charles Schumer 75-1 (Shocked he hasn't declared already. If America was 25% as fond of him as he is of himself, he'd win in a landslide!)
Harold Ford Jr 75-1 (an interesting choice. Couldn't win a seat in Tennessee, but got vaguely Obamaesque buzz nationally)
Jack Kemp 75-1 (Is he still alive? Never thought he'd be a good president, but he always looked like the guy who plays the president in movies)
Jeb Bush 100-1 ("You were supposed to be the chosen one!!!" If W. hadn't screwed things up to the point that "Bush fatigue" is making "Clinton fatigue" look like a post-buffet burp, he might be a serious candidate)
Ralph Nader 100-1 (Please, God, no.)
Paul Bremmer 150-1 (Campaign slogan: "Rebuilding America the way I rebuilt Iraq ... no, wait a minute")
Joe Lieberman 150-1 (but on which ticket?)
Michael Bloomberg 150-1 (a moderate Republican who would be an intruiging darkhorse)
Tommy Franks 200-1 (pretty much think anyone with a significant role in Iraq has about as much chance as General Westmoreland running in 1976)
Jesse Jackson 200-1 (see Dick Gephardt)
George W Bush 200-1 (I'm convinced this line is in here to catch all the suckers who never heard of the 22nd ammendment. I hope it's that ... something more nefarious could be afoot.)
Dennis Kucinich 200-1 (the lowest-rated declared candidate. Sad when your chances are winning are the same as a guy who is constitutionally prohibited from winning. Then again, with W.'s pliable relationship with the Constitution...)
Arnold Schwarzenegger - 250-1; Bill Clinton - 300-1 -- Bill Maher's dream matchup. Get rid of Clause 5 of Article 2 and the 22nd amendment and give each side the candidate they really want.
Alan Keyes 750-1 -- (Obama rematch ... 'cause it went so well the first time?)
Clint Eastwood 750-1 (hey, you laughed at the Governator.)
Ted Kennedy 750-1 (It's a sad commentary on the Democratic field that I actually think I would like Teddy better than a bunch of the people out there. I think he's gained some wisdom over the years. According to Wikipedia, he was pulled from a plane wreckage in 1964 by ... Evan Bayh's dad!)
Bill O'Reilly 750-1 - (... starting to price houses in Montreal while pondering this one)
John Ashcroft 1500-1 (more likely the bottom half of the Alberto Gonzalez ticket)
Donald Rumsfeld 2000-1 (anyone who can say "I believe what I said yesterday. I don't know what I said, but I know what I think, and, well, I assume it's what I said." can't be discounted in politics)
Pat Robertson 2000-1 (that's if we survive the "mass killing" God told him we would suffer this year. The "I told you so" factor could weigh in his favor).
Bill Maher 2500-1 (New Rule: Potato Bongs at all State Dinners)
Donald Trump 2500-1 (Seriously, if Bill Maher, who would have no chance of winning, is at 2,500 to 1, then Trump's odds should be a lot better. This is just the kind of scary bastard who could make a run.)
Michael Moore 7500-1 (But he would make Kucinich look centrist if he got in the race).
| Mike at 1/23/2007 09:15:00 AM
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"Christ's example is being
demeaned by the church if they ignore the new leprosy,
which is AIDS. The church is the sleeping giant here.
If it wakes up to what's really going on in the rest
of the world, it has a real role to play. If it doesn't,
it will be irrelevant."
- Bono